Delivering Your Documents
Updated December 24, 2023
You can get your documents to us in several ways, but whichever option you use, please keep in mind:
▶ Please do not staple your documents. (Paperclips are great!)
▶ Remove your documents from envelopes and unfold them.
▶ We do not need “boilerplate” inserts that may accompany your forms. If you’re making copies, we don’t need instructions from the back of the forms.
▶ We DO need all numbered pages of tax statements from brokers.
▶ If you are downloading PDF documents from your broker or elsewhere, you don’t need to print them – just put them in your portal. (If any document has a password, please use our secure form to provide the password.)
▶ We need clear, readable copies. If scanning with your phone, try to avoid shadows on the page (use your flash).
▶ Make sure no numbers are cut off on the sides of the page.
▶ PDF documents (with all documents combined) are better than pictures.
▶ If you must send pictures, make sure they are high resolution, particularly if you are using an iPhone.
Our client portal is built on Citrix ShareFile, relied on by some of the largest financial companies in the world to provide secure access and storage. More information on our portal can be found here.
We prefer PDF copies (ideally multiple documents in one file) rather than pictures. If you don’t have access to a scanner or phone app to create PDF files, you can try these.
You can send us documents by mail, UPS, FedEx or other private delivery service to us at this address:
Hudson Valley Tax Experts
Attn: (your preparer’s name)
4 Marshall Rd PMB 193
Wappingers Falls NY 12590
Originals or Copies? We prefer copies. We scan most documents and shred everything. If you send us original documents and want them returned, there will be an additional fee.
Medical and charity receipts? Provide your total amounts for medical expenses and charitable contributions in the portal. Be aware, if you send us a pile of receipts, we don’t scan anything less than $250 and there will be an additional fee if we have to add the numbers for you. TIP: Your pharmacy and doctors’ offices will usually be happy to provide a statement showing all your co-pays for the year.
Overnight shipping? It’s generally not necessary to pay for next day shipping. Unless you’re close to the deadline, first class mail is usually fine – that’s how the various companies send the documents to you. If you’re concerned about tracking, USPS Priority Mail is generally a cost-effective choice.
We do accept documents by fax. Our fax number is 845-203-4099.
The UPS Store where we have our mailbox will accept hand-delivered documents in a sealed envelope. Please label it “Hudson Valley Tax Experts, #193” and your preparer’s name. The UPS Store is located off Myers Corners Road near Route 9:
4 Marshall Rd
Wappingers Falls NY 12590
The UPS Store has a copier if you need to make copies for us.
Is this your office? No, this is our mail delivery and drop-off address only. We do not have office space here.
Is this safe? Yes. The people you are handing the envelope to are the same people who would be putting the mail in our box had you mailed it.